Batman V Superman: 10 Plot Holes That Make No Sense

10. Why Does Everyone Blame Superman For Those Deaths In Africa?

One very questionable plot hole occurs as a result of the events which occur in "Nairomi, Africa" (?) at the start of the movie, in which Superman - having intervened in a hostage situation in order to rescue Lois Lane (always getting herself into trouble, that one) - is blamed for a bunch of deaths that are, in fact, committed by Lex Luthor's terrorist cell. The plot of Batman v Superman is spurred into semi-motion when the US government - led by one Senator Finch - hold Superman accountable for these deaths. But why would anyone hold him accountable when everyone who died in Nairomi was clearly shot with bullets or blown up in an explosion? Surely all Superman had to say to defend himself in this scenario was something along the lines of: "They were shot. Check the bodies. It wasn't me who killed any of those guys. They killed each other." It seems a bit strange that nobody investigated or checked the bodies, and that Superman just decided not to explain what happened instead of clearing his name.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.