Batman V Superman: 10 Positives For The Future Of The DCEU

2. It Makes A Wonder Woman Movie Seem More Exciting

Batman V Superman Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

Whatever happens next with the DCEU, the Wonder Woman movie is far enough along in its production that we are definitely getting a film of comics' most iconic female character that directly leads on from how she was set up in Batman V Superman. Given how badly the latter has been received, you'd think that would make people extra concerned about Wonder Woman, but if anything Batman V Superman has actually made Wonder Woman a more intriguing prospect.

Before Dawn Of Justice, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman was a largely unknown prospect. Fans had their doubts that the Israeli actress, only really known for a supporting role in the Fast And Furious franchise, had either the physicality to pull of the Amazon warrior's action scenes or the acting chops to head up a major blockbuster. However, her scene stealing role here, in which she shows up at just the right moment in the finale to cut through the brooding macho posturing, has put a lot of those fears to rest.

As with the Robin costume mentioned earlier, we are given just enough of Wonder Woman and her alter-ego Diana to suggest that she might be a character that we would want to know about (that photo of her alongside Chris Pine's Steve Rogers in the First World War teases some Captain America-style old school adventure possibilities), but not so much that Snyder has imposed his version of the character over what Jenkins could do in her film.

As Diana, Gadot mostly just looks good and flirts with Bruce Wayne, but as Wonder Woman she injects an enjoyably different style to the action with creative use of her signature bracelets and lasso. If Jenkins fleshes out the character and builds on this action style, we could finally have a movie that gives Diana her due.

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