Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons We're Worried For Justice League

1. Will Part One Just Be Another Feature-Length Trailer?

Countless critics have torn Batman v Superman down for basically being a 150-minute tease for Justice League, but is it possible that Part One could merely be yet more set-ups and teases for future attractions?

With The Flash, Aquaman and Shazam getting movies in-between the two Justice League films, there will be a heavy incentive for Warner to promote them in Part One, and Part Two to set-up 2020's Cyborg and Green Lantern movies. This is all without even mentioning the planned solo Batman film, of course.

Yes, Marvel basically treat each new film as a set-up for the next one, but at least it's a little more finessed and natural than what continually reeks of Warner's desperate desire to sprint through the intricacies of the universe-building. There's a sad and very real possibility that it'll blow up in their faces, and it's the fans who will suffer above all else (because there's no way Justice League won't be a license to print money).

What are your expectations for Justice League? Terrified? Excited? A combination of the two? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.