Batman V Superman: 12 Early Reactions You Need To Know

2. It Doesn't Set Up Justice League Particularly Well

Despite the Dawn of Justice title, it seems that Batman v Superman isn't quite as blatant a set-up for Justice League Part One as we expected. Speaking of the cameos and nods to future events, "they are placeholders, and may frustrate casual fans who don€™t get vague references to characters like Cyborg or the villainous Darkseid" (Cinema Blend), and "for every tease that works...there are a half dozen others that land with a thud" (Crave Online). Apparently, the film is "overselling the set-up to Justice League a bit...Finally seeing the trinity of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman together on the big screen was rather underwhelming...and to a larger degree the film€™s marketing essentially spoiled what should have been the most joyous and revealing moment in the movie. In hindsight, there was no good reason for Warner Bros. to reveal Doomsday, Aquaman, and so much of Wonder Woman beforehand." (IGN) Considering that Snyder and others vehemently defended the "spoilerific" Doomsday trailer, it's a shame that, according to several critics, the film is largely bereft of shocks and surprises in addition to not establishing the DCEU as enthusiastically as many would like.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.