Batman V Superman: 13 Biggest Blunders Zack Snyder Makes That Completely Ruin It

12. Few Of The Performances Leave An Impact

The cast for Batman V Superman is a very good collection of actors, and to their credit nobody's turn as a comic icon is an all out stinker. Still, it's a rather placid make up, and given that there's bits of each performance that really hit the mark, it's fair to blame bad direction rather than their care or interest.

Jeremy Irons is the main standout, able to deliver a cheeky emotive arc for Alfred in the short time he's given, and in the subject of fairness I will say that Henry Cavill steps it up from Man Of Steel, with Superman beginning to embody what Superman represents (even if his Clark Kent is just the glasses, with none of the nuance of Reeve).

Thinking on it, the worst of the lot is Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, simply because he's so one-track and his angle of villainy is so woefully inconsistent. But, once again, the bigger point is the actors are smothered by the movie.

Even Ben Affleck, who everyone decided before the film was going to be a perfect Batman, is merely OK. An older Bruce Wayne who's playboy and vigilante personas have almost merged, he's driven by coiled anger and looks the part in the action sequences, but the film is so tight on what becomes his mission against Superman it's impossible for him to really stretch his legs. Good, but we need to wait for The Batman to get proper Batfleck. Bale still rules.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.