Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

22. More Of The Dark Knight Returns

The similarities between Batman V Superman and Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns are manifold. Aside from the Batsuits, and though it wasn't quite as expressed as the trailers suggested, Batman does seem to be at least semi-retired. The horse Bruce Wayne encounters when walking through the rubble of Wayne Financials seems also to be a nod. There are also some lines lifted directly out of the comics: "it's time you learned what it means to be a man", and "that's a three syllable word for every thought to big for little minds". So too is Alfred's line referring to "the next generation of Waynes" facing "an empty wine cellar". And when it comes to Batman and Superman actually throwing down, Batman's first two booby trap - the sonic blast weapon - (which is pointless and a waste of time, resources and energy) is also taken from the comic, which also features the Kryptonite gas.
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Easter Eggs
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