Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See
14. Cyborg's Cameo
Cyborg's origin hint is a lot more impactful, even if it feels like a body-horror tribute to Robocop. In the sequence, we see Silas Stone at S.T.A.R. Labs, the organisation first introduced in Superman comics in 1971. Since then, the company has appeared widely in comics and TV shows, most recently appearing as Easter Eggs in Man Of Steel and as major story presences in both The CW's Arrow and The Flash TV series. Stone meanwhile is the father of Victor Stone, who became Cyborg in the comics. In the film sequence we saw what was left of Cyborg's organic body (presumably after the same accident that almost kills him as in the comics), as well as his gradual development into Cyborg. It was a pretty harrowing sequence for a 12A, but a good one all the same.