Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See
12. Pa Kent
The most shocking cameo came courtesy of the Kevin Costner, who of course played Pa Kent in Man Of Steel. When Superman loses his super-mojo and goes to find himself (or run away from his responsibilities - it's really not fleshed out enough to be all that clear), he encounters a ghost/memory of his father high on a mountain top. In a film full of silly visions and nightmares, it's unclear whether this is actually a dream or a hallucination or something else entirely, but Pa Kent does manage to convince his son to go back to being a happy hero by telling him a haunting story about accidentally drowning a load of horses. No wonder this is emo Superman. Kent's story also features a nod to comic staple Lana Lang, as it's her farm that he and Clark accidentally flood in his uplifting story.