Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See
10. "Your... Doomsday!"
After months of speculation, it turns out the monster created by Luthor from Zod's dead body actually is Doomsday. The creature's origin is slightly different from the comics, though the idea of him being introduced by the writers to kill Superman is actually mirrored in Luthor's plot to unleash him with the same express purpose. In both cases, he's an ancient Kryptonian creature (and it does seem the ship's AI's mention of "mutations" being outlawed suggests he's been around before). As in the comics, Doomsday evolves in battle, growing his trademark spikes as he levels up and somewhat appeasing fans who complained about his look. The parallels to Frankenstein's monster are also unavoidable - particularly as Luthor creates him in order to "best God" and prove his own superiority.