Batman V Superman: 34 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

29. Mercy Graves

Though she's a pretty rubbish character in the film - her lack of conviction when she finds Bruce Wayne snooping is stunningly stupid - and gets brushed aside without concern, Mercy Graves is a more important figure in the comics. She is a legitimate bad-ass in the comics: a skilled hand-to-hand combatant with a chequered criminal past who is a significant enough personality to be the only character in Luthor's company to get away with calling him Lex. She debuted in Superman: The Animated Series in 1996, and a version of her appeared in Smallville (played by Cassidy Freeman), with plans to feature another (renamed Misty) in Superman Lives. Hopefully there's more of her in the Director's Cut, as she was painfully hamstrung in the theatrical edit.
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