Batman V Superman Final Trailer Breakdown - 30 Things You Need To See

3. Is This Bizarro?

Now Doomsday is confirmed, one of the pervasive rumours for the film is that there's another villain who'll be added to the mix - Bizarro, essentially an evil version of Superman. This was something many feared would be confirmed in this Final Trailer, with another ruinous reveal coming at the end and ensuring Dawn Of Justice had no surprises come March 25th. But nope - not a mention in sight. In fact, the only real bit of evidence for this theory (ignoring all the chatter from rumour sites as they're far from reliable anyway) is this shot of Superman that some seem to think is too angry to be Kal-El and therefore must be his dark clone. It's a fair argument, but I would say it doesn't really hold weight; its presence here suggests Warner have nothing to hide and, as he's in the rain, this is more likely to come from the titular fight. You know, something likely to make Superman quite angry... Although if he's using the laser vision, things have got really far.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.