Batman V Superman Final Trailer Breakdown - 30 Things You Need To See

24. Ageing Batman

"I'm getting slow in my old age, Alfred" says Bruce after the fight, to which Aldred quips back "Even you've got too old to die young. Not for lack of trying." With Ben Affleck in the role it was obvious we'd be getting an older, wearier take on Batman, but this exchange reveals there'll be a awareness-of-limitations to it too (it also succinctly gets across that classic Alfred exasperation). Does the fact he's lamenting what appeared to a rather successful mission mean Bruce is now bored as Batman, only doing it because he has to and trying to find purpose by attempting to beat his own PB?
Or perhaps it's something darker. Could this feeling of worthlessness be what motivates Batman to take on the Man of Steel - a desire to make an impact and prove that he is the hero he once was? Bruce's staunch glance at Alfred suggests a certain disdain for growing old, that's for sure. Also note his getup, which appears to be a post-Batman dressing gown.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.