Batman V Superman Is The Man Of Steel Sequel You Deserve

It may not be the one you asked for but it's the one you are going to get.

While almost $700 million is nothing to scoff at, for Warner Bros. it simply wasn't enough. Man of Steel met with decidedly lukewarm response in 2013 and as a result, Warner Bros. are showing considerable trepidation in regards to giving Henry Cavill's Superman another solo outing. After much speculation, Zack Snyder has declared that Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is in fact the Man of Steel sequel. When asked by Canoe, Zack Snyder had some fairly blunt words regarding a sequel to 2013's CGI riddled Superman adventure:
I think in a way Batman v Superman is Man of Steel 2... Justice League is kind of the transcendent, knights-of-the-round-table of the story. It€™d be interesting to think about what a standalone Superman movie might be.
This shouldn't come as a huge surprise, as Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice heavily draws from Man of Steel's continuity and events -- as evidenced by the trailer and marketing. The film itself actually began its life as a direct sequel to Man of Steel, but over time evolved into a melee between the World's Finest. It's a controversial move, as many have already complained that DC are rushing their universe by overcrowding Dawn of Justice. Snyder's comments don't rule out the possibility of another Superman solo film -- they just indicate that Superman will have to share the spotlight for his first sequel. It also shows that Warner Bros. clearly have much more faith in the hands of Batman to carry the DC Extended Universe. Based on preliminary reports from Batman V Superman screenings: all anyone at WB can talk about is Ben Affleck's take on the character -- with little to no mention of Cavill at all. Judging by how liberally the upcoming Suicide Squad draws from The Dark Knight's mythos, it has become abundantly clear that Batman has been deemed a safer foundation for this universe. For now it looks like the boy scout from Kansas won't get to take center stage on DC's film slate anytime soon. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice comes to theaters March 25, 2016.
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Zack Snyder
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Conner Schwerdtfeger hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.