Batman V Superman: Ranking Every Movie From Worst To Best

11. Superman II

Superman II feels like two very different movies mushed together. One minute you're in a clear sequel to the original film, with sci-fi inflected Americana and an attempt to dissect the Man of Steel, the next you're in a vibrant comedy, with action sequences dominated by slapstick and key emotive moments taking place in garish locations. It's almost like it's the result of two directors fighting to create two very different movies. Oh, that's because that's exactly what it is. The first two Christopher Reeve movies were famously filmed back-to-back (pretty groundbreaking, right?), although things didn't exactly go to plan; original director Richard Donner was kicked off halfway through production of the second part and replaced by Richard Lester. The result is a stark, conflicted film that all too often serves as an unwelcome eye into its creative process. There's a lot of good stuff still in there - Reeve is still excellent, Terrence Stamp is an terrifying Zod (I'd kneel) and the effects, while a bit cheaper than The Movie, are still impressive - but it's undercut by small, boring locations (there's a lot of interior sets for what should be big moments) and a general lack of continuity in narrative.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.