Batman V Superman: Ranking Every Movie From Worst To Best

18. Supergirl

Supergirl ends in the Poochiest of ways, with Kara Zor-El asking Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Lane to forget they ever saw her as she leaves Earth by flying into the ocean. That's right; not even the film itself could make it to the end without giving up and wiping itself from histroy. The audience clearly went along with Jimmy too, because this 1984 atrocity seems to have been forgotten from the cultural memory despite notably being the worst Superman-related film by quite a large margin. Made after the Salkinds gave up on the Superman franchise following the fair-but-unremarkable box office take of the third film, Supergirl was conceived as a cheap way to keep the franchise alive without having to bring back any of the essential characters, which is succeeds at while failing in every other manner. Set tangentially in the Reeve continuity (Marc McClure reprises his role as Olsen and there's several trying nods to the big man himself), it takes every element that didn't work in the later entires of that series and somehow makes it worse; lazier script, more laughably inept effects, further misunderstanding of the comic basics. It's just awful on every conceivable level. And yet it still managed to attract Peter O'Toole and Faye Dunaway in mentor and villain roles respectively (both are phoning it in as passive takes on previous roles), transforming tat into obscene spectacle; Supergirl is utter drivel that actually needs to be seen to appreciate just how astoundingly bad it gets. And that's the most glowing endorsement it's ever got.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.