After looking at 10 possible actors who could make killer new Jokers if given a chance in the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman movie, it's time to turn our obsession on another possible supervillain we're dying to see. Even if major casting announcements have fizzled out as production has officially begun, who's to say there aren't any surprises left in store? At least we can feed our anxious anticipation with some fun by letting our imaginations run wild, and ask the big Question: who would be the best Edward Nygma today? The greatest thing that ever happened to The Riddler (as far as his film feature depictions go) is that Heath Ledger never portrayed him. Instead of the rather daunting prospect of replacing him, the next actor will have to fill only the clownish shoes left almost 20 years ago by Jim Carrey, which is hardly a leap. Watching Carrey's over-the-top performance today could be a pulpy joy, but does anyone really watch it anymore? DC has gone much darker since Christopher Nolan decided to take Batman back to the best of his source again, pretty much leaving all previous Batman adaptations eating his dust. And following Nolan's success, it's hard not to think that The Riddler desperately needs a much darker shade of green. The Riddler has loads of untapped potential for reinvention: obsessed with torturing his victims with insanely convoluted puzzles, traps and sickening clues, a contemporary Riddler could be a mix of Jigsaw and Zodiac Killer, with interior decor sensibilities of someone like Errol from True Detective, just with a little more green. He's the wildest card next to The Joker and as the enigmatic personification of intellectual, ambiguous evil, he's not interested in breaking banks or backs, only minds. Plus, his CV pretty much guarantees cynical sarcasm and entertaining wit, which would be a nice addition to Snyder's notoriously humorless world. So who would do justice to a more contemporary version of The Riddler?
Nik's passions reside in writing, discussing and watching movies of all sorts. He also loves dogs, tennis, comics and stuff. He lives irresponsibly in Montreal and tweets random movie things @NikGrape.