Batman Vs. Two-Face Review: 7 Ups & 5 Downs

4. It's Totally Ridiculous (As It Should Be)

Batman Vs Two Face Billiards
Warner Bros.

Though for the most part this film aims to be consistent with the original show's tone, occasionally it dares to ramp the absurdity up several notches, and while the overt silliness may not please all fans, it is pretty damn fun to behold.

Some of the more insane moments include The Joker and co. overloading Doctor Strange's Evil Extractor with their evil tendencies, Harvey Dent's charity for "The Society for Underprivileged Fraternal Twins" (of which Bruce hilariously remarks, "The stigma of being the less attractive twin is a burden nobody should have to bear"), and a subplot in which Batman and Robin break into a library to investigate Bookworm's hyper-convoluted plot.

Best of all, though, is a set-piece in which the pair end up on a gigantic billiards table, with Two-Face trying to kill them with huge billiard balls. And of course, Robin can't resist but quip, "Look at the size of those balls!" It's glorious.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.