Beautiful Blade Runner 2049 Trailer Looks Better Than The Original

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Blade Runner 2049 Trailer Desert
Warner Bros.

There are a few things you can be certain of in the world of cinema currently, but you could bet your house on any film Denis Villeneuve making looking absolutely gorgeous. Even when it's set in the post-industrial Teesside-inspired Blade Runner universe.

After 30 years, the Arrival director is bringing Blade Runner and Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard back to the big screen to answer some questions (but hopefully not THAT one) and to introduce a new humanity-ending threat, as chased down by incoming hero Ryan Gosling.

And inevitably, the second trailer for the sequel looks glorious...


It's mind-blowing stuff, with visuals you'd expect from an anime rather than a live action movie and it definitely looks like the long wait for a sequel is going to be worth it.


The best part of all of this is that we know very little about the plot, other than a vague shape of things, and the trailers have done incredibly to preserve the mystique of the plot while also teasing lots of interesting things about the characters. This is intrigue-building as it should be, rather than blockbusters showing off way too much in a bid to get tickets sold.

Also, it's nice to see that Warner Bros do know how to frame a creepy-weird Jared Leto performance without going full juggalo...

Blade Runner Jared Leto
Warner Bros.

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