Beauty And The Beast Trailer: 12 Scenes Ripped From The Cartoon

5. Someone Left The Gast-On

Beauty And The Beast Rose

Oozing with sickly charm, The Hobbit's Luke Evans takes on the role of slimy Gaston. The film's main antagonist, Gaston is the laddish brute who sets his sights on Belle. Even though she has no eyes for the village thug, he isn't used to being turned down by women.

It looks like Evans will continue 1991's legacy of Gaston being all brawn and no brains, leading a village mob to kill the beast and mount his head on an impressive trophy wall. It is safe to assume that Evans will also be lending his vocals to the ever catchy (and imaginatively titled) "Gaston" song.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap