2. A Perfect Blueprint For Romantic Movies
This really is the perfect way to construct a romantic drama; it may not have the bells and whistles of mainstream studio romances, but that's because it doesn't need them. This is a film driven entirely by the characters, not pop music interludes, ridiculous declarations of love or any other such affectation that Hollywood seeks to embellish. It is a film entirely above gimmicks; it captures the most basic essence of getting to know someone - sitting down and talking to them - and manages to distill it into a thrilling 108-minute riff on marriage, family, aspirations and mortality - easily one of the best that cinema has yet to encounter. Though it's surprising we haven't already seen a glut of Before rip-offs, it's surely going to be on the cards soon enough, especially if Midnight can fire up enough awards love to garner itself some much-earned recognition.