Before Skyfall: 10 Definitive Thomas Newman Scores

4. Jarhead Jarhead is another impressive departure for Thomas Newman and the most intense Newman score I can think of. In spite of the application of many post processing effects and pronounced electric instrumentation, the sound remains uniquely Newman. It seamlessly blends thick bass lines, keyboards, guitar and percussion with a wide (even for Newman) variety of ethnic and classic instrumentation to create the melodies. As with most Newman scores, the more spatial and atmospheric compositions are still prominent, but what makes this score most engaging is the intricate rhythmic work, and its ability to keep the sound evolving. Mendes€™ film is very unconventional in its approach to telling a military related story and the score is nothing but complimentary to that notion. While the film and the soundtrack are not as much about action and intensity, they both still deliver when it counts. The score itself has enough intriguing rhythms and driving sounds to keep moving things forward but doesn't hesitate to pull the listener aside to linger in its atmosphere.

Cole Northway hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.