Before Skyfall: 10 Most Memorable Bond Villain Henchmen

2. Jaws (Richard Kiel - The Spy Who Loved Me/Moonraker)

It is rare for Bond villains not to get their comeuppance (the previous case of Irma Bunt being an exception) which usually comes in the form of a particularly brutal death. Not for the metal-toothed Jaws, who survives not one, but two films pitted against 007, albeit becoming a reluctant ally in the finale of the latter. This is a man who feels no pain, and is seemingly invincible, surviving an underwater battle with a shark and a fall of several thousand feet without a parachute, to name but a few usually fatal incidents that he simply brushes off, remaining a persistent thorn in Bond's side, and stealing the scene every time he appears.
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James Bond
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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.