Benicio Del Toro: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Fred Fenster - The Usual Suspects (1995)

Bryan Singer's had a funny career eh? Since hitting the big time with this surprise sleeper hit, the director's gone on to helm the X-Men movies, most recently returning the series to form with Days Of Future Past. It all started with The Usual Suspects, though, and whilst Christopher McQuarrie was rewarded with an Academy Award for his screenplay and Kevin Spacey snagged the gong for Best Supporting Actor, we still reckon Benicio should've gotten some recognition for his part as Fred Fenster, associate to Stephen Baldwin's protagonist Michael McManus. Del Toro is almost unrecognisable in the film, owing to a Saturday Night Fever outfit, some Lon Chaney-style subtle make up and hairpiece that are a touch more subtle than his Guardians Of The Galaxy get up, and the infamous mangled speech patterns and lisp he puts on, making the character's dialogue near-illegible (especially during the infamous line-up interrogation scene). To be honest we still don't know what he's on about half the time, nearly twenty years later, but del Toro totally inhabits the role and creates a totally distinct character as opposed to "hey, that guy from Licence To Kill is talking funny!" Shame he didn't turn out to be Keyser Söze. Spoilers!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at