Black Mirror: Bandersnatch - Every Ending Explained & Ranked

2. Stefan Dies With His Mother

Black Mirror Bandersnatch Fionn Whitehead

And now we come to the most bittersweet and grimly affecting ending available.

After retrieving his prized stuffed bunny rabbit from his father's safe, Stefan returns it to his younger self, who finds it easily and is therefore able to travel with his mother on her fateful train journey.

If you were expecting this to create some uncanny butterfly effect moment where the train accident doesn't happen, think again.

It's implied that young Stefan is killed in the train crash, immediately ending his life in the present. Rather than simply blip out of existence, though, he drops dead in Dr. Haynes' office, to the horror of herself and Stefan's dad.

It's probably also the canon ending because it feels totally in step with Black Mirror's brutally upsetting tone, but even so, it's not quite the best of the lot.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.