Black Panther: 11 Implications For Infinity War

2. Bucky Is The White Wolf

Bucky Infinity War
Marvel Studios

It's incredibly telling that both the children of Wakanda and Shuri refer to Bucky as "white wolf" in the film's post-credits scene, which is an incredibly pointed reference to a character from Black Panther's comic book history.

White Wolf, aka Hunter, was a young white man whose plane crash-landed in Wakanda, killing his parents and causing T'Chaka to adopt him as his own. Though he assimilated quickly into Wakandan culture and benefited from the same upgraded abilities as the locals, he eventually ended up clashing with T'Challa - who was born after his arrival - and was driven from Wakanda to live as a mercenary.

Could Marvel be hinting that Bucky is now in possession of T'Challa's enhanced speed and and strength - even in excess of the Super-Soldier Serum - or is it merely a playful nod to a corner of the character's lore? Wait and see.

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Black Panther
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.