Black Panther: 12 Rumours That Were Total Bull

2. Thanos Shows Up Looking For The Soul Stone

Infinity War Thanos
Marvel Studios

The Rumour: Because the tabloid press can't resist making mountains out of molehills, the Sunday Express clung to a quote from Forest Whitaker where he stated that Black Panther would feature "things that take us into outer space", which they - and consequently, many fans - believed was referring to the arrival of Thanos.

And of course, what reason would the big purple guy have to show up in Wakanda other than it housing the Soul Stone?

The Truth: Thankfully, Thanos is absolutely nowhere to be seen throughout the film, nor is he mentioned or his presence even hinted at. Him showing up mid-movie probably would've felt rather out of place and upset the delicate world-building Ryan Coogler was going for, and honestly, who needs another post-credits scene of Thanos basically doing nothing?

They totally made the right call here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.