Black Panther: 12 Rumours That Were Total Bull

10. The Soul Stone Makes An Appearance

Thanos Gauntlet
Marvel Studios

The Rumour: After the first Infinity War trailer dropped, many fans noted that it seemed to imply Thanos (Josh Brolin) was sending his forces to Wakanda in order to seek out the final Infinity Stone, the Soul Stone.

As such, fans quite reasonably came to believe that Black Panther would set this up, by introducing the origins of the Soul Stone and how it came to reside on Wakanda.

The Truth: For almost its entirety, Black Panther is a standalone movie with only the most tangential ties to the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe. To that end, the Soul Stone is completely absent from the film, even though there were some ripe opportunities for it to be introduced.

That it didn't even show up in a credits scene was legitimately surprising, so it'll fall to Infinity War to quickly get this plot point introduced - assuming it's true, of course - and get things rolling.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.