Black Panther Movie: 5 Things You Need To Know

4. Finally Getting Out Of New York

Guardians Of The Galaxy expanded the scope of the Marvel Cinematic Universe away from Earth, which was a long time coming. It never made much of a connection to all the Avengers's shenanigans, however, meaning that for the most part, the movie superheroes have been confined to the continental United States. Which gets a bit boring after a while €“ how many more times can audiences stand to watch New York (or Toronto standing in for New York) be decimated? Thankfully Black Panther looks set to change that. As mentioned before, T'Challa ends up traipsing around the world (and America) and hooking up with a bunch of other superheroes, but his home lies in Africa. Specifically the fictional nation of Wakanda, of which he is the ruler, and where most of his best stories take place - especially Christopher Priest's run on the book - so, hopefully, Marvel will ignore the instinct to head back to American soil, and do something new.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at