Black Panther Reviews: 12 Early Reactions You Need To See

12. It's Emotional

As Marvel's most successful films have proved already, the key to making great MCU movies is to add emotional impact to the action and thrills. It's not the fighting or the comedy or the posturing that is most memorable, it's the substance that makes you cry or tugs at your heart-strings.

Just think of the end of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 or Quicksilver's death or the Stark murder revelation at the end of Captain America: Civil War: all of those beats will go down as the most affecting moments in the MCU. And it sounds like Black Panther is going the same way.

Most poignantly, it's about identity, and Erik Killmonger's personal arc sound particularly affecting...

Based on lots of the reactions, the film's exploration of identity and belonging (as big a point for the audience as the characters) is a huge part of the story and a huge selling point:

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Black Panther
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