Black Panther Trailer Breakdown: 20 Things You Need To See

4. Killmonger's Panther Suit

Black Panther Erik Killmonger
Marvel Studios

T'Challa explains, "What happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world", as Killmonger's status as the film's primarily villain is effectively solidified in this trailer.

He can be seen brandishing two weapons, possibly stolen from the museum, after which a cheetah-like version of the Black Panther suit forms around him, opting for a gold finish rather than T'Challa's purple look.

While some fans have already expressed disappointment that Killmonger basically seems to be a "mirror" of the hero, a ridiculous Marvel cliche at this point, at least the gold attire looks rather fetching.

And in case you missed it, Killmonger can also be seen fighting against the Dora Milaje while suited-up.

Black Panther Erik Killmonger
Marvel Studios

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.