Bond 24: 10 Skyfall Flaws That Spectre Should Improve Upon

9. The Unwarranted Running Time

What's wrong with a two-hour movie? Nothing, that's what. Blockbusters nowadays seem incapable of running for less than 140 minutes. "It's only 20 minutes longer," you might say. "Who cares?" But to forgive filmmakers for failing to keep their pictures tight and interesting is to overlook something that is plaguing cinema these days: fact is, there's 20 minutes inherent to Skyfall that you didn't need. 20 minutes that only serve to slow down the pace and kill the fun. Because there are scenes in Skyfall that drag on well beyond their means: the finale, for example, goes on and on until the movie begins to feel exhausted. Then there's the constant reestablishing shots of places that the film has already taken us - how many times do you need to establish that the M16 building is in London? Even more time is wasted reiterating plot points that you've already heard before, with characters attempting to explain overtly intricate points that ultimately make little sense. Spectre, for the sake of modern blockbusters, can you run at under two hours or less?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.