Bond 24: 10 Skyfall Flaws That Spectre Should Improve Upon

8. Countless Factual & Continuity Errors

Nobody's perfect, and you expect any large scale blockbuster to have a fair amount of continuity errors scattered throughout, most of which you'd probably never notice. Skyfall, however, has become somewhat notorious for the fact that it's near-on packed out with a countless number of continuity errors. So although Skyfall presents itself as a slick, clinical and effortless filmic exercise, beneath the surface there's actually a whole lot of sloppy filmmaking going on. Skyfall was lambasted in the wake of its release for being "strewn with errors," and although said errors - many of which focus on damaged vehicles suddenly finding themselves repaired or items of clothing morphing randomly - there are a few unforgivable instances, too, many of them factual (Bond gets on the tube at Temple underground station and gets off at Westminster, eradicating Embankment - for shame!). So Sam Mendes and his crew really need to concentrate whilst shooting Spectre; you might be able to be forgive that kind of sloppiness once, but twice? No way.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.