Braveheart: Fact Or Fiction?

1. Fact: Gruesome Death

Mel Gibson Braveheart
Paramount Pictures

Following his capture there was only one possible outcome for Wallace, a death of the most gruesome nature. The film got his death correct and thankfully did not show it on screen.

He was sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered. The meanest execution that could be exacted and one that Edward felt necessary for a man he despised. It symbolised death three times over and was designed to degrade, humiliate and inflict pain/suffering.

Wallace was hung until his neck was grotesquely stretched, he then had his genitals removed and insides ripped out. The body was then cut into four and the parts were placed wherever the king desired. For Wallace, his head was placed upon London Bridge.

The film showed the way he died as best they could. Showing a scene like this is more suited to low budget horror movies, not historical dramas.

There is however one inaccuracy at Wallace’s end. He manages to shout freedom, whilst having his insides ripped out and shown to a crowd baying for his blood. Despite being such a phenomenal man, this feat was beyond even the great William Wallace. Mel Gibson on the other hand, probably could have managed it.

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George Wilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.