Braveheart: Fact Or Fiction?

9. Fiction: Affair With Isabella Of France

Mel Gibson Braveheart

An important character in the film is Isabella of France. She is the wife of Edward II and supposed lover of our Scottish hero. It is an interesting twist within the film but in terms of historical accuracy, it is utter garbage.

The film implies that Isabella is sent by the King to negotiate a surrender with Wallace and then inadvertently falls madly in love with him. It is the ultimate love story, as the lonely princess falls for the rugged Scotsman. Which makes it a crying shame that the famous love birds never actually met.

During this period of history, Isabella was in France. It was only later in life that she married Edward. At the time of Wallace's death, she was only ten years old. Making a romantic tale between the two impossible.

The film implies that Wallace was the father of Isabella’s first-born child, Edward III. This was a fictional plot added to show the ending of the English line of kings. The only surprise was that Mel Gibson didn’t include the live birth of a baby. You can picture it now; a baby with long brown hair, blue face paint on, shouting freedom as he left the womb.

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George Wilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.