Braveheart: Fact Or Fiction?

5. Fact: Homosexual Edward II

Mel Gibson Braveheart
Paramount Pictures

Edward II was one of the most unsuccessful kings in English history. He was a disaster from the start and undid much of his father’s great work. The film played on this and portrayed him as a tragic being, terrified of life. Though this was inaccurate, they were correct about his homosexual tendencies.

Despite what the film states, Edward had an amicable marriage with Isabella of France and they conceived four children between them. This was overshadowed by his close relationships with two men, Piers Gaveston and Hugh Despensor. The former you meet in the film, following Edward around like a lost puppy.

As with anything in history, it is impossible to know the level of relationship between Edward and the two men. There is factual evidence to show that he favoured them with lands and titles. As well as this, several chronicles imply that their relationships were romantic.

I believe he was homosexual as the evidence favours this assumption. Rumour has it that Edward was killed with a hot poker up his backside. A symbolic death for his life of sin. Now, who said history was boring?

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George Wilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.