British Film Registry Results - 5 Films & 2 Legends That YOU Voted For

Alfred Hitchcock

And what would any Film Registry be without the presence of arguably the world's greatest filmmaker, The Master of Suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock? Throughout a career spanning over five decades, Hitch crafted some of the most intelligent, thrilling and provocative films of his time, the best of which have stood the test of time tremendously well. Who can forget the violent, psychotic thrills of Psycho, or the disturbing neuroses of Vertigo? What about the technical audaciousness of the single-take experiment Rope - which seamlessly joined several takes together to give the impression of a complete whole - and the breakneck adventure of North by Northwest? Few directors, if any, have contributed as much to cinema as Alfred Hitchcock, a singular genius whose indelible imprint on cinema is apparent in pretty much any modern thriller or action movie. Just as interesting as his films was the mythology surrounding the man, many noting his tongue-in-cheek background cameos in his own films, his tendency for blonde leads, and the lingering suggestion that his repressed psycho-sexual urges were expressed on screen. What's clear is that there never has been nor probably ever will be a great quite like Hitch.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]