The original star of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead movies Bruce Campbell has called the idea of an Army Of Darkness 2/Evil Dead 4 "fan-boy bulls**t" stating there is no reality in the rumours. We broke the news of a possible series of movies that would eventually lead to a tie-in flick that brought both versions of the story together earlier this month and are every bit as deflated as the rest of you at this latest hurdle which was revealed in an interview with
Total Film magazine. Discussing the issue further Campbell - who plays the film's chainsaw wielding hero Ash Williams - said that as far as he knows there hasn't even been any conversations about such a crossover movie and that the only way a project like that would be green lit would be if the box office and public demand was high enough. There's no denying how high demand has been since the Ash last wrangled with the Deadites in Army of Darkness so anticipation was at an all time high for a follow up when the Evil Dead remake was first announced. Raimi then appeased the masses when he announced he would in fact begin work on a sequel to Army of Darkness with Campbell's character in a last man on Earth scenario this summer. But now even that film is in doubt after Campbell claimed again that a sequel to the original series is only "a little more than fan-boy bullshit, but not much more". So for those of you who are desperate for your fix of shot gun toting, chainsaw wielding, blood and guts horror like only the Evil Dead movies can do there's always this spring's massively successful reboot which is playing in cinemas right now to fill the void. But for anyone holding out for Bruce's mighty chinned warrior to make a comeback well it is as unlikely as ever. Perhaps now is the time to finally give up the ghost on this persistent on again/off again project and admit that we'll probably only ever see Campbell and Raimi team up again when Raimi gives his old buddy a guest spot in his next big blockbuster.
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