Cannes: 7 Best Palme d'Or Losers From The Past 20 Years

3. Bowling For Columbine - Winner: The Pianist (Roman Polanski - France, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom)

bowling for columbine Michael Moore explains, to the best of anyone's ability, America's undying fetish with guns. The documentary takes the name from the mass shooting in Littleton, CO on April 20, 1999. Two students from Columbine High School, Eric Harris Dylan Klebold, killed 13 teachers and students before taking their own lives. But they wanted to go to their bowling class first. Moore, and NRA member and proud gun owner, shows absurdity of obtaining a gun in modern American society. He goes to a bank in his home state of Michigan and asks a teller to open an account. When the teller asks what kind of account, Moore simply replies, "I want the account where I can get the free gun." After a background check is done by the bank, which is also a licensed firearm dealer, Moore is given the gun he chose from a brochure. Before walking out of the bank, proudly holding his gun above his head, Moore asks a banker, "Do you think it's a little dangerous handing out guns at a bank?" Whether this has happened or not, I don't know. But did it ever occur to North Country Bank that someone who gets a free gun after opening an account with them might show up at the bank to pick up their new gun with ammunition in their pockets? Since April 20, 1999, there have been over 30 mass shootings in the United States. The deadliest was at Virginia Tech when you take the ratio of number of shooter(s) to fatalities. The 2nd amendment, as passed by the United States Congress, states "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." This is vague for many reasons. But the fact that you have the constitutional right to own a gun doesn't mean you should. I do not own a gun myself. I have many family and friends who each own at least one gun. Many of them have more than one. When a relative/friend was asked why they do this or that with regards to owning a gun, the person's response was simply, "because I can." Michael Moore talks to many different guns owners, from rednecks to the former president of the NRA, Charlton Heston, as well as shooting victims, including two from Columbine. Moore takes the two Columbine victims to a local Kmart and buys every single bullet and cartridge they have. Kmart no longer sells gun ammunition. And this is the approach that can be taken effectively to deter mass shootings. Many opponents of gun control say that whether you expand background check (which aren't necessary for purchases made on the internet, a casual buy from a friend or family member, or at gun shows) or outlaw any or all guns, you can't prevent shootings from happening. Some people will ignore some or all all of the laws concerning firearms. I 100% agree. But you make it harder for people to get guns. People also ignore laws concerning murder, prostitution, drug use, theft, and many others. Executive vice president of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, stated, "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris shot the armed security officers at Columbine before shooting teachers and students. Former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, told Piers Morgan that if he were at the midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, CO and would be allowed to conceal and carry, James Holmes never would've gotten a shot off. There's still the possibility of Ventura being the only armed person and James Holmes shoots him first. Michael Moore went on to win Best Documentary at the Academy Awards. During his acceptance speech, Moore publicly stated his opposition to the Iraq War. Boos were given, partially due to patriotism. Ten years later, millions of Americans now feel the Iraq War was a big mistake. Perhaps Michael Moore knows what he's talking about with regards to gun violence, the motives behind it, and curbing it and many should at least listen. Michael Moore would get his Palme d'Or two years later for Fahrenheit 9/11.
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Cannes 2013
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Hello, my name's Matt. I'm a graduate of Edina High School. Graduated from Augsburg College with a B.A. in Media Writing.