Captain America: Civil War - 10 Best Moments

3. Tony Learns The Truth About His Parents

Captain America Civil War Underoos Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Yes, it wasn't exactly a huge surprise, but that didn't stop the revelation of Tony Stark's parents dying at the hands of Bucky being any less of a brilliant moment. When Cap, Bucky and Tony meet at a Siberian facility where Helmut Zemo is hiding out, Zemo shows them a video of the Starks' death, where they're crashed into a tree and then physically dismantled by the Winter Soldier.

Naturally, Tony is utterly distraught and filled with rage, all while Cap tries to calm the situation down and protect Bucky. Tony then ends up smacking Cap, kickstarting the movie's climactic three-way fight sequence.

Robert Downey Jr. gets a ton of compliments for his work on these movies, and though most of that is for his suave, quick wit, here's a rare instance where we get to see him digging down deep into the character's emotional core. It's one of Stark's biggest moments to date, and Downey delivers it beautifully, no matter that the actual reveal could be seen coming several miles off.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.