Captain America: Civil War - 10 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Nov 5)

1. Vision Will Switch Sides And Leave Earth

According to the same source, it won't be Hawkeye or Black Widow who switch allegiances and help "end the war" between the pro-Accords and anti-Accords factions (it's nowhere near as simple as that binary, but that seems to be the way it's being talked about). He will switch sides (who knows why - perhaps because someone backing the Accords says there's something fundamentally not right about a robo-Frankenstein-God having sex with a witch mutant, or something) and then decide to leave Earth by the end of the movie. Could that mean he will be going to join Thor and Hulk on their super-buddy roadtrip? Or will his Infinity Gem head lead him to the Guardians Of The Galaxy? All compelling arguments. Rating: 9/10 Well, Thanos needs that Gem, and the majority of the Gem-related business is currently happening in space: Asgaard has one of them, the Collector has one and there's a distinct possibility there's another off Earth (though it might well be in the Quantum Realm). So it would make sense that he'd go off to join the search. And in terms of him switching sides; he's basically Jesus, so whoever has him on their team is going to emerge victorious. Cap's side will probably be the winners (happy endings and all that), so his allegiance to them seems somewhat necessary. Which of these rumours do you think are the most convincing? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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