Captain America: Civil War - 10 Controversial Ways It Could End

1. Iron Man Dies

With so many built-in expectations surrounding Captain America dying, Marvel could absolutely pull a fast one on fans and still shock their wide audiences by killing off the most prestigious member of their universe. Iron Man is the face of the MCU so getting rid of him would absolutely ignite certain people.

It notably would go against the comics, which would surely irk some fans. It€™s one thing to change the source material but many don€™t want it completely transformed in the manner suggested.

Practically the move would make some sense. It would drum up huge press for the movie with the promise of a game-changing ending. Furthermore, with Robert Downey Jr. on a short-term contract as it is, perhaps Marvel thinks now is the best time to part with him, leaving a potential resurrection in the cards for when Infinity War rolls around.

Nobody would see this coming which is why it would make it so brilliant. However polarizing it would be, killing Iron Man would be a bold step for Marvel which makes it an absolute possibility for how Civil War will end.

What do you think the controversial ending will be? Or do you not expect to be shocked at all? Let us know in the comments.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.