Captain America: Civil War - 10 MCU-Shattering Outcomes That Fans Want To See

1. The Death Of Captain America

This one€™s the biggie. In the Civil War comics, Captain America died. Because of that, and since its been suggested before that Chris Evans wants out of the MCU, the number one source of debate surrounding Captain America: Civil War has been whether or not Steve Rogers will survive the movie. In the comics, Cap died in the aftermath of the Civil War after having surrendered and handing himself over to the government. The Red Skull sent Crossbones and a brainwashed Sharon Carter to assassinate him, which they successfully achieved. Bucky soon after took up the Captain America mantle. If Cap does die in the film version, the death of this founder Avenger would have massive consequences. He€™d have to be replaced by Bucky, for a start, and the stakes of future MCU movies would be much higher as a result. It could also set a precedent for heroic mantles to be passed on post-death in future films. Quicksilver€™s death in Age Of Ultron showed that Marvel aren€™t scared off killing characters off, but killing Cap would prove that no character is safe. With two big Infinity War movies around the corner, and superhero fatigue threatening to grow, this could be a vital point to make. What big outcome are you hoping for from Captain America: Civil War? Let us know in the comments€

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.