Captain America: Civil War - 10 Things You Need To Know About Baron Zemo

1. He Outed The Winter Soldier To The Public

Baron Zemo
Marvel Studios

Even when breaking away from some of his father’s views, Helmut has always had a reverence for him. As such, when he discovers that Bucky is alive, it infuriates him. Helmut sees his father’s murder of Bucky as one of his greatest accomplishments and with the deed undone, his legacy is ruined.

Seeking to rectify this, Zemo immediately orchestrated a series of brutal assaults on the hero, now acting as Captain America. He even went so far as to recreate the rocket launch that his father originally used to kill him.

When all of those efforts failed, Zemo played his trump card and leaked Bucky’s identity to the public as The Winter Soldier. With his deeds public knowledge, Bucky turned himself in and Zemo got his ultimate victory.

Considering the direction it looks that Civil War is headed, it’s entirely plausible that a similar sequence of events plays out here. Zemo might not hate Bucky in the same way, but the reveal of his identity to the public could be what sets the entire conflict into motion.

What facets of Baron Zemo do you want to see appear in Captain America: Civil War? Let us know in the comments.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.