Captain America: Civil War - 10 Ways It Must Set Up Phase Three

9. Mention Some Cosmic Rumblings

Civil War looks to be a very Earth-bound film, as it should be. Steve Rogers is just a kid from Brooklyn, and though he may be super-strong, he certainly wouldn't survive in outer space. That said, the MCU is much bigger than our planet, and even if Cap isn€™t about to go off into space just yet, it€™s important that this massive film acknowledges what€™s out there. For instance, the Guardians of the Galaxy still feel like characters separated from everyone else in the MCU and the threat of Thanos is likewise distant at the moment. Civil War ought to find ways to start hinting at these beings, even if it€™s a simple as Iron Man speculating on what other threats await them in the stars. The cosmic side of the MCU is rapidly becoming an important locale, and with everyone on deck for Civil War, there seems to be no better time for the characters to address it. This is Marvel's first chance to really start tying all of their properties together, both Earth-set and not.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.