Captain America Civil War: 10 Worst Plot Points The Film Must Ignore

9. Hulk Murdering People

Because, honestly, the MCU isn't all that bloody so far. There was Klau losing an arm in Age Of Ultron, admittedly, and Black Widow used to be a trained assassin, but both of those are exceptions or things that haven't actually been shown on screen. The Avengers are a militarised force and the previous Captain America films show the realities of war, but that's mostly a bloodless affair. In that spirit, the Civil War movie could do with dumping some more of the lead-in that preceded the comics. Namely the part where public mistrust of superheroes has been built up by incidents such as the Hulk going on a rampage in Las Vegas and accidentally killing 26 people. Surely not, Mark Ruffalo! You seemed like such a nice guy! Hulk's off the radar in the films as of the end of Age Of Ultron. It'd be out of character and a tonal shift for the MCU as a whole to re-introduce him in Civil War €“ even if it happens off-screen and the characters simply talk about it €“ by him going on a murder spree. In general, the Civil War comic is far more willing to toss a load of dead bodies into plot. Mark Millar wrote it, after all.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at