Captain America Civil War: 10 Worst Plot Points The Film Must Ignore

7. Maria Hill As A Baddie

The Superhero Registration Act's main proponent in the superhero community in the Civil War comic is Iron Man, but it's SHIELD who are tasked with actually implementing the thing. They get sent off to round up all the rogue super-people who haven't signed up to the new law, sticking them in prison and making sure they're not a threat. Pretty different to their usual bag. Especially in the MCU, where it's Nick Fury who put the Avengers together in the first place whilst he was still SHIELD director. At this point in the comics, Fury had been ousted and Maria Hill was in his place. Right now we have no idea what the state of SHIELD is in the MCU, having seemingly partially returned back in Age Of Ultron and that one TV show. Either way, making SHIELD the bad guys in Civil War would be a bad move at this point. Even more so if Maria Hill's in charge instead of Fury. For one thing, putting the organisation on the side against Captain America would feel like a retread of The Winter Soldier; for another, after all she's been through with the super-people, Hill turning on them would make zero sense.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at