Captain America: Civil War - 12 Biggest Questions It Leaves Unanswered

Spidey. Bucky. Homecoming?

Captain America Civil War Homecoming Spider-Man Bucky.jpg
Marvel Studios

Captain America: Civil War has finally rolled out across the world, and fans are savouring the opportunity to see the Avengers superbrawl for themselves. 

As ridiculously entertaining as it is, however, it also leaves a ton of questions, both relating to the self-contained narrative in the film and how it will play into the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole.

From dangling plot threads to disappearing characters, stretches in narrative logic and considerations for the Infinity War saga, these are the questions that have been on everyone's lips since seeing the movie. Some stem from genuinely compelling teases, while others could perhaps have used a little more active explanation in the movie itself.

As we already start looking forward to Infinity War and the other movies comprising the rest of Phase Three, here are the 12 biggest questions Captain America: Civil War leaves unanswered as we move ahead...

12. Where Does Black Widow Go After The Airport Battle?

Captain America Civil War Homecoming Spider-Man Bucky.jpg
Marvel Studios

The Question: After Black Widow helps Cap and Bucky escape during the airport battle by temporarily subduing Black Panther, we're told that T'Challa blabbed about it to Secretary of State Ross.

Tony Stark then tells Widow that Ross is coming for her, to which Widow replies that she's not the one who needs to watch her back. We don't see Widow again for the rest of the movie, so where did she go?

The Likely Answer: She probably went immediately off the radar in an attempt to maintain a minimal profile from both sides, possibly slumming it somewhere with Nick Fury depending upon what his own assessment of the Civil War is. Considering Fury's closeness with both Widow and Cap, it's easy to believe he'd side with them.

Though this could be a perfect way to bring Fury back into the fold, on the other hand, perhaps she just meets up with Cap in Wakanda and that's it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.