Captain America: Civil War - 12 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Dec 5th)

7. Agents Of SHIELD Will Tie In

According to one clever sleuth on Reddit, Agents OF SHIELD's return from winter hiatus coincides nicely with the release of Civil War:
"Assuming one episode per week, this means that CA:CW will take place chronologically between AoS season 3 episodes 19 & 20 - with three post-Civil War episodes."
So we can expect the Accords and their shockwaves to also be felt on the small screen arm of the MCU. Rating: 9/10 Count on it. Let's just hope that it isn't a George Lucas-like exercise in the mechanics of bureaucracy as minor SHIELD characters converge to draw up the Sokovia Accords. How close a cross-over remains to be seen, but it's unlikely that anyone is going to specifically find out in Civil War that Phil Coulson is alive, as a means to drive a further wedge between Cap and Tony Stark or anything.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.