Captain America: Civil War – 13 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Jan 13th)

2. Iron Skull!!!! (And Thanos)

Further revelations from LEGO here, as the sets included a build containing Iron Skull - an alternate version of Red Skull who was augmented using stolen Iron Man technology. Could that be a hint that Red Skull is coming back to the MCU in Civil War? Perhaps Baron Zemo is going to assume the identity as a means to resurrect HYDRA's glory days. Maybe his allegiance to Hyperion in the comics explains why that character is coming in too? It's all very intriguing. The revelations don't end there, as LEGO's tie-ins also include a Thanos Big Fig, suggesting that he might have some part to play (surely just in an after-credits stinger to remind everyone he exists though, right?)
Rating: 8/10 Look., no-one is saying the Avengers are going to battle in space or underwater, but there's a distinct possibility that the reinvention of Zemo will manifest in him becoming a surrogate Red Skull. And why not have him take on his name? Obviously we know Marvel had plans for Red Skull beyond the first Avengers, but they were canned because the relationship with Hugo Weaving fell apart. So maybe this is their attempt to revive those abandoned plans? And of course Thanos appearing for a few more seconds is inevitable with Infinity War looming.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.