Captain America: Civil War - 20 Best Reactions To The First Trailer

4. Some Fans Weren't Happy With The Missing Person Be realistic, it was never going to happen. Spider-Man is to Civil War what Luke Skywalker is to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens marketing - there is more benefit to the film in the mystery than there would be in revealing too much straight away. Still, it would have been a bona-fide fan-baiting moment to have even a glimpse.

3. But Luckily, Someone Rectified That... The Internet inevitably went wild with suggestions that Spidey actually was in the trailer watching Falcon do a swan dive, but it's pretty unlikely, given how much of a grasp seeing a blurry guy in red and calling Spider-Man is. But this trailer exists for those of you who really need your Civil War trailer with a little extra Spider bite.

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